Sunday, December 19, 2004

Starting already!

We went over to one of Grant's co-workers house yesterday. They have a 10 month old boy named Conor. Mason and him are the same weight, but Mason is a little taller but Conor just seems bigger. I think because he carries his weight differently than Mason.
Anyways, Mason was so interested in all Conor's toys. We stayed there for aboue 2 hrs and Mason was on the floor the whole time playing around. Conor on the otherhand, didn't play much. Whenever he would come over to Mason, Mason would grab onto him and pull his shirt. Conor would cry every single time and crawl furiously away from Mason. And to top off Mason's meaness, he would smile and giggle when Conor cried!
Grant says that Mason is already taking after his dad; he likes to pick on ppl who are bigger than himself.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Mason's Crazy

We were at the Canex yesterday (military department store) and were sitting on this neat couch. There was a entertainment unit in front of the couch, with a plastic snowman on top. The snowman had his had up as if waving. Well, Mason thought the snowman was waving at him, so Mason waved back! Crazy kid!
Oh yah, Mason thinks the cardboard tubes of wrapping paper are just fabulous! Grant was waving them around and pretending they were swords and Mason laughed for 15 mins! He hasn't laughed like this before over anything!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

This picture was taken right before he face planted into the snow.

Mason's first snowfall.

He's up too no good.

A week of rest

Mason and I visited with my mom last week. I got some good rest :) Mason accomplished so many things too this past week. He pulls himself up in his playpen, walks around it and rocks it back and forth. He puts himself into a sitting position really well now too. He can wave goodbye, and when music comes on he sings and dances a bit too :)

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Sleep? What's that?

Mason slept SO bad lastnight. He had a fever on Sunday and Monday but it went away. He hasn't been going Number 2 , only by assistance with prunes.
I called Telehealth and they said that it doesn't sound like he's constipated, but follow it up with a doctor. If he isn't any better by tomorrow, that's what I'm going to do. I feel so bad for Grant, he didn't sleep well lastnight either. Mason and I got up at 10am this morning :)

Off to the dentist we go.

I went to the dentist on Monday, thinking that I was getting 1 filling. Well, I actually got 3! Three large fillings. I had nitrous oxide, but a lot of the stuff was escaping the mask. Tonight when I go in, I need to use a child's mask.
So tonight, I get a tooth pulled; a baby tooth. I hope it'll be an easy one to get out because it does have a cavity and a baby tooth should be easy to come out :)
I'm going to get addicted to this nitrous oxide, since I'm going in there 2 times a week.