Friday, June 16, 2006

Being frugal

I love freecycle. Freecycle is a yahoo group where people give things away that they don't want or need anymore. You can also post if you need something that someone else might have.
I picked up a white plastic deck table today. The lady told me to get it off her deck , she wasn't home today. Hopefully I got the right house and didn't end up committing a robbery :)
I also got Mason a little tykes desk at Value Village for 5 bucks. It's in great condition. The lid flaps up to put things inside. He loves it.


I've decided to get a bird identification book. We get some pretty interesting looking birds here at my house. The other day I saw a black bird with an orange chest and I have no idea what type of bird it was.
If I walk down the hill in front of my house , I'm on the shores of Lake Ontario and there ought to be some cool looking birds there.

No more dentist please

I had to back to the dentist again today. For a couple of days I've felt a hard lump on the inside of my gum where I had a wisdom tooth extracted. I went in today to the dentist because it's really hard for me to eat and it turns out it was a bone spur. The dentist said it's weird that the spur is on the inside of the gum and not the outside because that is where he did the cutting. So he had to slit the gum and take tweezers to get the bone spur out. He described it as a sliver.
The freezing has just worn off now. I hope not to back to the dentist anytime soon!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

We got this toy at a garage sale. It came with 100 balls. We found out why they were selling it for fairly cheap...there's a hole somewhere. It doesn't stay inflated for long

Saturday, June 10, 2006

What's happening with me

I had my wisdom teeth removed on Thursday. I took 3 sleeping pills before I went in and was hooked up to IV for sedation when I had the procedure done. I do not remember going to the dentist , anything that happened or even coming home. I am still in pretty rough shape. They had to cut down into my gum for the bottom teeth because they hadn't erupted. Hopefully the pain will go away soon and I can eat something other than yoghurt and soups.
I'm taking oxycodone and was afraid that it might hurt Eve through the breastmilk but I called motherisk and the counsellor said that the drug is made of 2 things : acetametaphin and a narcotic. The acetametaphin part passes about 1-4% into the breastmilk and the narcotic anywhere from 4-10%. They deem medicines safe for breastfeeding if only 10% and under passes through so this is ok to take. Thank goodness because it does help with the pain!
I've joined weight watchers again, I'd like to lose 17lbs or so. This past week was hard; I did cheat quite a bit. I am finding that I am so hungry because of the breastfeeding. I need to find some healthy snacks that I enjoy to munch on.