Thursday, January 27, 2005

Guess what day it is?

It's my birthday!!! I'm 24, sure getting old.

he's a climber!

We're going to have to anchor our bookshelf to the wall. Mason is attempting to climb it. We have the two bottom shelves for toys, and the top three for books. He's been putting his feel on the bottom shelf and trying to lift himself up.
He also climbs on the tupperware bin we have for his toys. Ahh, and it's just going to get worse, he hasn't even begun to walk yet! His balance is getting so much better now too; he can stand for a while without any support.

Monday, January 24, 2005

The results..

I got a job offer with Assurant Solutions, the job where I had the two interviews with. It starts Feb 7th. I think we have a baby sitter lined up too LOL.

A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I was thinking that if I hadn't of gotten this job, I would have very little time to find another job.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

It's a small world

The interview went really well yesterday. When I first got there, they gave me a description of the job as well as 8 questions that the recruiter was going to ask. They were just the typical scenario questions "tell me a situation where you had to work towards a goal in a time limit"
The recruiter was surprised that I went to the Bancroft highschool, because that's where she's from :) I was in the same grade and classes as her younger brother. Plus, she just got off maternity in Dec, and has a 13 month old girl.
So I think that I did pretty well, and that I'll be called in for a second interview.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Wow, a big appetite.

Mason eats SO much. We really do need to start blending our food together for him instead of buying the jar foods.
He eats 5 jars of food a day. He'll have a bottle in the morning, and for breaky he'll have a bowl of cereal and a jar of fruit. For lunch he'll have a meat jar food and a fruit.. and the same for supper. Sometimes he'll have a little bit of cereal before he goes to bed as well, but it depends on how late he eats supper.
And between this he has a bottle after lunch when it's his nap time and some juice after supper before his bed time snack.
I don't know where all this food is going. Mason isn't fat! I guess he has Grant's metabolism, thank goodness.

Help , we need sleep.

I don't really know what Mason's problem is at night. Lastnight he woke up again at around 3am and wouldn't get back to sleep. And he kept tossing and turning all night. He has a cold, but we gave him medicine and it seemed to help him.
I've heard that he may be going through growing pains. Anyone else heard of that??
Maybe his bed isn't comfortable to him. Well in Grant's words 'Suck It up princes'
Any suggestions on how to make him sleep all though the night??

First Blood

Mason was galavanting around in his playpen today, and smashed his face off his peekablock dump truck. I didn't notice the blood until he took his fingers away from his mouth :( He cut his gum. There wasn't much blood at all, but to a new mother, any blood is too much!
He cried very minimally, and than smiled at me. What a brute he is.

Inteview Today

I've got an interview with Assurant Solutions today. They're an inbound call centre that deals with insurance, warranties and extended service contracts. I applied last week and they got me in to do a test. I passed the test so they wanted me in today for an inteview. If I do well today, I go in for another inteview.
I hope I get this job. I don't want to keep looking for jobs, my maternity benefits are nearly up.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Playgroup = Colds

Mason and I went to a playgroup on Thursday and on Friday he woke up with a cold.
That's the norm for when we go to the playgroup. Mason started playing with this baby; they were sharing toys that went in both of their mouths. After twenty mins of this going on, the mom comes over and says that she's going to take the toy her son was sucking on because he's just getting over a cold. Well thanks for the warning, but it's a little too LATE.

Crazy Walmart

Yesterday we went to Walmart. They're moving to a bigger place on the other side of town, so there were some sales. Well, we went down the toy isle and ran into a wall of people. People were going crazy down there. There were lots of sales, but you couldn't tell what was on sale because the tags didn't have a description. We overheard someone say "if people get in your way, just ram them with your cart" Grant was getting mad very quickly there. He kept saying something like" i love coming to walmart when sales are one. You can see how our society loses all social morales" or something to that effect.
I'll go tomorrow and see the sales, without Grant.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Guess What??

I got my G2 yesterday. Finally, I'm a free woman.
And it only took me 4 years and 364 days. I thought for sure I was going to fail. I was going too slow in the residential area and than I went too fast. I slowed down when I changed lanes. And when I came to an intersection with a red light and was turning right, I'd stop at the line but than inch up. I didn't know that you don't inch up unless you can't see the oncoming traffic.
I think my saving grace was my perfect parrallel park and three point turn haha.
Watch out world, here I come.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Just for laughs was on tv and I guess he heard a joke that made him laugh uncontrollably:P

This is Mason's newest face. What a cute one EH?????

Mason's learning how to feed himself.

Santa Mason sitting the a chair of luxury.

Good picture of Mason and his daddy

Saturday, January 01, 2005

And to top it all off..

We took Mason to the walk in clinic yesterday at the mall, before the car broke down. We waited 2.5 hrs only to be seen by the doctor for about 5 mins. I really wanted to see how much he weighed but they didn't have a scale in the room we were in. Anyways, he's healthy as a horse. I asked about letting him have some Homo milk and the doctor gave it a thumbs up. I gave him a bottle yesterday afternoon of the milk and he just loved it!
We're going to give him a bottle of milk in the afternoon just before his naptime to start off with.
Oh yah, while waiting for the doctor, I bought a bran muffin. Mason just loved it :) Anyways, while I was chomping away at it, I hit something hard. Well, that hard thing was a part of my tooth! It came off the tooth that I'm going to get a root canal done too on Tuesday.
When it rains, it pours.

Car on the Fritz again

So we're without a car until at least tomorrow, but most likely Monday.
We went out lastnight to Food Basics to see if it was open. Well it wasn't and when Grant tried to turn on his car, the engine turned over halfway, and than the horn started honking and the ALL the lights were flashing on and off. We called CAA and they sent out a battery assist guy. Well, we couldn't get it going with that either. Everytime we opened the car doors, the horn would go off and lights would again flash on and off. So we had to get the car towed down to Canadian Tire and we caught a taxi home.
Grant and the CAA guy thinks it has something to do with the alarm system. The battery was low to begin with, so maybe that screwed up the alarm.