Saturday, August 28, 2004

update on mason

Mason is finally getting better. We have had a rough week. He was sooooo sick on Thursday night, we had to bring him in again to the hospital at 230am. We ended up staying there until 7am. The doctor gave us antibiotics for him. He has an ear and throat infection. He's having a hard time drinking now, because it hurts his throat. He also has fever blisters on his upper lip, so he doesn't wanna suck on the bottle either. So we've resorted to giving him something to drink through an eyedropper.

He's sitting up by himself now really well! We just found out he can do this today. He was sitting on my lap, but was kinda supported by my legs. But hey, its a start.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Mason's sick for the first time

Poor Mason... He has a fever which may be part of a viral infection. He's had the fever since yesterday, and we've been giving him Tempra to help with it. He's been very cranky too, which is unusual for him, as well as tired. I brought him into the hospital today.. The doctor looked at his ears, saying that one ear canal looks "dusky". She says that because the tube isn't being drained all that well. If Mason can't be consoled during the night, come back in and we can get him some antibiotics..

We did weigh him.. he's up to 19lb 12oz...

Sunday, August 22, 2004

He doesn't look too happy here! Posted by Hello

Mason finally has hair! Posted by Hello

Mason aka Groucho Posted by Hello

Bancroft aka Most Talented Town in Ontario

Bancroft isn't the "Mineral Capital of Canada" anymore, it's "The Most Talented Town in Ontario" TVO's Studio 2 had a contest with all over Ontario's towns, and Bancroft won the contest.
So, this weekend, they had an arts festival. It wasn't too bad, a lot of hippy stuff tho :) We went to the park today, for the kid's festival. There wasn't a lot of stuff Mason could do, being as he is only 5 months.
But we did get a lot of funny photos of him.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

My Day

Today just isn't a good day.
First thing in the morning, before we were even out of bed, we got a call from the bank. We had applied for a consolidation loan, and were denied it. Because we don't own anything. But, we're not to worried about that, because we have other avenues to pursue.

We had to put down my mom's dog today. She smelled really really bad. She was bleeding when she went to the washroom. So, Grant and my sister brought her in to the vets, they said that she had an infection in her, her teeth were all black and were going to fall out , and that one of her eyes were gone. (Tulip was a puppy and her eye got pushed in by a little boy, so she didnt see out of it, and it closed over)

We were feeding Mason, he coughed and threw up all his food. He sneezed while my mother was holding him, and he puked through his nose. I held him, he did the same.

And to top it off, I stubbed my toe on the door, and spilled my coffee.
When will it all end????????????????????????????????/

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

This is a picture of our diningroom/living room.. showing the hardwood floor and the fireplace. It's blurry, we had to take the shot through the window Posted by Hello

This is our beautiful backyard!! Posted by Hello

This is our place in Kingston Posted by Hello

Monday, August 16, 2004

Our new place

We went to Kingston on Sunday to check out our new place. It doesn't have a basement, but has an attic that we can store stuff in. It's a three bedroom, semi-detached home. It has hardwood floors, and a fireplace!! The kitchen is pretty small, but there is a dining room to put our table in. There are two bathrooms, one on the first floor and one upstairs.
We met our neighbours too. They seem pretty nice; they have a 4month old boy and I think a 4 year old boy as well. The neighbours say that the spiders are pretty bad in Kingston. Yuckie!
So we live right off of Fort Henry Drive. You turn onto Lundy's Lane, and the first left off that is Our road!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


I belong to a message board, for ladies that had babies in March. This one lady posted, saying that her financial situation is bad, and if anyone could send her samples, or coupons that it would help a lot. She has twins. So, I was thinking of sending her something, but in the end didn't.
I'm glad I didn't. I found out today, that she was selling all the stuff she got on Ebay!
I can't believe some ppl can do this.. What a punk!

We've noticed a strumming motion that Mason made with his hand. So , we got him a guitar and he actually strums it and places his hands on the thing like he knows how to play it. Ive got a great short vid of it too..if you're interested..let me know and I'll send it to ya! Posted by Hello

We're starting him off early.  Posted by Hello

Mason's goofy smile Posted by Hello

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Another Update

Grant called today, about our housing! He said that we are going to have a house.. addy 7a ortona point. Its a duplex, so hopefully it's not a bottom floor, top floor kinda deal with two houses. Hopefully it's side by side. Anyways, the kicker is.. the rent is 840 a month plus utilities. But, a paragraph was underlined, saying that the rent can't exceed more than 25% of the families total income. Well, 840 exceeds that. Grant is going to the housing agency to apply for a reduction of rent. Hopefully we'll get it. If we would have known, we would have looked at other places to rent, we were told that renting a PMQ was cheap. The PMQ will be ready for occupancy on Aug 25th. We're not sure when we'll be moving tho...

Sunday, August 08, 2004

An update about moving

Well, the update SUCKS. Grant didn't hear anything about our house this past week at all. The guy in Kingston, that was supposed to get ahold of the ppl in Borden, went on course on Wednesday. So, Grant's company clerk and her boss has been working their butts off, trying to get some info!
Lets hope this week

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Canadian Idol

Yes, Yes. I have fallen on to the Canadian Idol bandwagon. I think that the singers this year are so much better than the singers last year! My fave person prolly would be Jason, he's so much fun. I think Kalan will go all the way, because there are a lot of teeny bopper girls here in Canada, who will vote for him because hes cute. But he's also a good singer, so I dont mind if he does win.
The judges seem to like Caleb a lot.. He's got soul. I don't see what's so good about him.. He's the only black dude in the competition, and I guess they do want that soul in it.. I dunno..


About a month and half ago, I bidded on an exersaucer on ebay, and won the auction. Well, the seller was so immature. She told me she couldn't find my Postal Code, so I'd have to go and find my own shipping. I went on united states postal service, and found a good shipping quote. She told me that they wouldnt' take it, so she'd make it smaller. I waited, and waited and waited, and she didn't email back.
So.. two days ago, Ebay emails me, saying that this seller and I have mutally agreed to cancel the transaction. That's great, cause I don't want it anymore, but the seller didn't inform me that she was going to do this.
We got an exersaucer from a garage sale on my street, but it's a boring one with hardly any toys on it. We saw them in Zellers for 50 bucks cheaper than anywhere else we've been. What's wrong with them??

Slowly going crazy

Ahh I really do need to move out of Bancroft, and my mothers house. Don't get me wrong, my mother helps me so much with Mason it's great. But, she does get on my nerves a lot too. There are some issues with her, my father and my ex-sister-inlaw.. And I hear her talking about it every single day. She doesn't let up and it's making me go crazy.
Come on military, give us a house NOW

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Some People!

I was at the grocery store, buying Mason some jar food. I got a little more than I really needed, but I just wanted to stock up on it. Anyways, at check-out, the lady behind me gave me her opinion. "Ya know, it's cheaper to make that yourself" So I replied. And than she asked me how old Mason was and I told her. She gave me the meanest look and said.."Can he even sit up by himself" So I told her that I follow my instincts, he's doing well with his sweet potatoes, he's digesting it great and all. She just shook her head. I was so mad at her. This lady was a very overweight lady, wearing something way to small for her. I could have said.. " You know, being very obese likeyourelf, it isn't good for your health" Or I could have said.."You're burning my retinas, with what you're wearing"
Some ppl, they just don't know how to keep their mouths shut!