Thursday, August 19, 2004

My Day

Today just isn't a good day.
First thing in the morning, before we were even out of bed, we got a call from the bank. We had applied for a consolidation loan, and were denied it. Because we don't own anything. But, we're not to worried about that, because we have other avenues to pursue.

We had to put down my mom's dog today. She smelled really really bad. She was bleeding when she went to the washroom. So, Grant and my sister brought her in to the vets, they said that she had an infection in her, her teeth were all black and were going to fall out , and that one of her eyes were gone. (Tulip was a puppy and her eye got pushed in by a little boy, so she didnt see out of it, and it closed over)

We were feeding Mason, he coughed and threw up all his food. He sneezed while my mother was holding him, and he puked through his nose. I held him, he did the same.

And to top it off, I stubbed my toe on the door, and spilled my coffee.
When will it all end????????????????????????????????/

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