Sunday, December 19, 2004

Starting already!

We went over to one of Grant's co-workers house yesterday. They have a 10 month old boy named Conor. Mason and him are the same weight, but Mason is a little taller but Conor just seems bigger. I think because he carries his weight differently than Mason.
Anyways, Mason was so interested in all Conor's toys. We stayed there for aboue 2 hrs and Mason was on the floor the whole time playing around. Conor on the otherhand, didn't play much. Whenever he would come over to Mason, Mason would grab onto him and pull his shirt. Conor would cry every single time and crawl furiously away from Mason. And to top off Mason's meaness, he would smile and giggle when Conor cried!
Grant says that Mason is already taking after his dad; he likes to pick on ppl who are bigger than himself.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Mason's Crazy

We were at the Canex yesterday (military department store) and were sitting on this neat couch. There was a entertainment unit in front of the couch, with a plastic snowman on top. The snowman had his had up as if waving. Well, Mason thought the snowman was waving at him, so Mason waved back! Crazy kid!
Oh yah, Mason thinks the cardboard tubes of wrapping paper are just fabulous! Grant was waving them around and pretending they were swords and Mason laughed for 15 mins! He hasn't laughed like this before over anything!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

This picture was taken right before he face planted into the snow.

Mason's first snowfall.

He's up too no good.

A week of rest

Mason and I visited with my mom last week. I got some good rest :) Mason accomplished so many things too this past week. He pulls himself up in his playpen, walks around it and rocks it back and forth. He puts himself into a sitting position really well now too. He can wave goodbye, and when music comes on he sings and dances a bit too :)

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Sleep? What's that?

Mason slept SO bad lastnight. He had a fever on Sunday and Monday but it went away. He hasn't been going Number 2 , only by assistance with prunes.
I called Telehealth and they said that it doesn't sound like he's constipated, but follow it up with a doctor. If he isn't any better by tomorrow, that's what I'm going to do. I feel so bad for Grant, he didn't sleep well lastnight either. Mason and I got up at 10am this morning :)

Off to the dentist we go.

I went to the dentist on Monday, thinking that I was getting 1 filling. Well, I actually got 3! Three large fillings. I had nitrous oxide, but a lot of the stuff was escaping the mask. Tonight when I go in, I need to use a child's mask.
So tonight, I get a tooth pulled; a baby tooth. I hope it'll be an easy one to get out because it does have a cavity and a baby tooth should be easy to come out :)
I'm going to get addicted to this nitrous oxide, since I'm going in there 2 times a week.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Val bought us this shirt for Mason, when he was a newborn. It looked so big than. It isn't going to be long before it will fit him now :)

Friday, November 26, 2004

Having a hard time practicing.

For the past couple of times I wanted to go out driving, Mason wouldn't allow me. Grant needs to sit up with me in the passenger seat so that leaves no one in Mason's vision. He will cry and cry and not stop. I can't really continue to drive with that, it breaks my concentration and I hate him crying. Lastnight tho, on our way home from Walmart Mason fell asleep so when we got home I switched seats with Grant and I drove on base for maybe 10 mins. I did a three-point turn, and I did it very well but I hit the curb :)
I think we may need to spring for a babysitter for an hour or two so I can do some hardcore practicing.

Thursday, November 25, 2004


I had an interview lastnight with Yellow Transporation. The job was for part-time billing clerk. The person hired would have to do clerical work, as well as data entry, making sure the drivers manifests were correct so when they cross the border they'd be ok, etc. Essentially, doing their exporting papers. I thought, hey this is right down my alley. And the hours were 5:30pm-10:30pm. That was excellent because we wouldn't need a babysitter. The only downfall would be that Grant and I wouldn't see each other a lot during the week. But you gotta do what you gotta do.
Anyways, the interview went well and I'll know tomorrow if I got it. BUT, I'm turning the offer down if I do get it. First of all, it's on the other side of town and when I get my license it'll be ok but for right now Grant would have to drive me and that could pose a problem. Secondly, I'd be alone for my shift with the drivers coming and going and it's a "Black Terminal" There are hardly any lights around. And lastly, the advertisement for the job had a typo. The hours of 530pm-1030pm where incorrect. It could be from 4pm-12am, or 430pm-11pm. I couldn't get there for that time because Grant gets off work at 4. And, if I get done work at 12am, I'd be tired in the morning with Mason getting up at night and such!
I'm sure the right job will come for me. I've got a couple more months on Maternity but I'm looking now for piece of mind.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Visit to Santa

We visited Santa on Sunday. Mason was doing so great on his knee. He was pulling at his beard, laughing and having a grand ole time. The flash on the camera broke, so they had to fix it, and in that time Mason decided that he really didn't want to be on Santa's knee. He started to cry and cry :) But luckily, the elves snapped a great picture before the flash broke and Mason started to cry.
We couldn't believe how pricey those pictures are though. We payed 10 bucks for one 5x7. The 36 dollar package include 2 5x7's, 4 wallets and one 3x5. Capitalism at it's best.

Just another cute cuddly teddy bear!

Hey Connor! Mason's got your gifts all wrapped up! He did a great job picking them out too. He's sure you're going to have a fun time with them.

My will hasn't been broken yet!

I haven't gotten my haircut yet! I'm actually doing it this time, I'm letting it grow! It's in the stage where I can't do anything with it but just use clips to hold it outta my face!

What a deal!

I finally got around to getting a membership at the base gym! We went down lastnight, and guess how much it cost until the membership expires in Aug 05???????
10 bucks!!! Well, $10.70 to be exact. I couldn't believe how cheap it was. They have a HUGE pool, tanning beds, two big gyms (field houses) a great weight room and a cardio room. Plus, they offer so many aerobics classes. I'm doing well keeping the weight off that I've lost, but now it's time to lose more :)
My goal: lose at least 5lbs by Christmas.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Mason pulled himself up to the standing position with this toy. That's all he can do with it. If he pushes it and tries to walk, he'll just fall right over.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Whoa man, that bottle must have been spiked

He isn't on his way up, if you catch my drift.... That's why Grant, you aren't supposed to do this!

Mason has a really strong grip! I tell Grant not to do this........

Canadian Tire Commercial

Has anyone seen the new Canadian Tire commercial? It's with the couple buying stuff for their big party. Oh lets go out and get a wine cooler and an expresso maker! And at the end, the wife tells her husband that they're expecting "One More" at the party next year. BLECH. What does that have to do with Canadian Tire?? Wine and expresso, always good for a pregnancy.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Only 43 days left until Christmas

Mason's getting so good at pulling himself up onto things and just standing up

Here's a late Halloween picture

My trip to the dentist

I decided to go to the dentist on base. I have a tooth that was supposed to be pulled last year but I was pregnant. They put in a temporary filing in and it finally came out. They did a complete exam and boy do I ever need a lot of work done.
I need to get a root canal where that temp filling was. I decided against getting it pulled because I don't want a big gap there. I have a couple of cavities that need fixed, I have a baby molar that needs pulled because it has a cavitiy in it and I'm going to need a bridge there. I also need my wisdom teeth pulled on the top. My bottom wisdom teeth aren't up yet but they're growing in horizontally which is a bad thing!
I am very very nervous with dentists, so I'm going to be getting laughing gas for it all, except for the wisdom teeth extraction when I'll be getting valium. I go in next week for a cleaning. The receptionists are great there. When I got my exam they watched Mason up front and they'll watch him again when I get my teeth cleaned. I have all my appointments at night except for the root canal, and I'll have to get a babysitter for that time.

Practice Makes Perfect

I drove in downtown Kingston for the first time yesterday! It wasn't that bad! I had a bit of a scare on Princess St. I was passing a car that was turning left (there was lots of room next to it for me to go) but the car behind me was right on my tail and he was pushy so I pulled out and I almost clipped the car that was turning and a car that was parked.
I'm driving everywhere we go now, Grant isn't letting me back out of it. If I can drive in Kingston, I can drive in Bancroft and I'll get my license.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Grant carved this scary scary pumpkin.

This is Mason's friend Damian. This picture rates a Two Thumbs Up.


Mason has 7 teeth now! 5 came within 3 weeks. Crazy

Happy Halloween

We went out tonight for halloween. Mason was dressed up as a spiderman, and boy he was cute! We did pretty well for candy too. It was very very windy, so we weren't out long. Once we got home, Mason was ready for a bath so we took the costume out without taking pics. But we'll take one soon.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Back Again

Mason and I went to Bancroft this past week for a visit. I finished reading "The Way The Crow Flies" by Anne-Marie MacDonald. It was a really good book! Her first book "Fall On Your Knees" was disturbing and sad, this one is sad too, but not that bad.
We brought Mason into the doctors on Wed because he has had a runny nose for some time and he was very congested. The doc said that he's very healthy. On Friday, he woke up with a fever and we brought him in again. He might have a virus, and if the fever isn't gone by Monday, bring him back in.
Lastnight was a bad night for sleeping. Grant wanted to drive back home to Kingston, so we got in around 10. Mason didn't go to sleep until 130am and was up at 730am. He hasn't slept much and he is having these crying fits. And to top it off, we have to babysit a kid tonight, as a favour to a friend.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Prunes really do work........

Poor Mason, had the hardest time pooping 2 days ago. So I decided to give him a jar of baby food prunes, you know, to aid him in that process.
When I went to change him, holy cow!!! Let me tell you, the diaper was just full, it was up his back and down his legs.
So, we got out the ole rubber gloves, stripped him down and put him in the bathtub. We sprayed him off much to his chagrin, but he was clean.
Now I know not to give him that much prunes!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

We're back

We're back, after a great week in Sarnia! Mason and I stayed a week after Thanksgiving with Grant's parents. We got to see the three newest Wager boys together for the first time on Thanksgiving. Connor sure has a set of lungs on him. Mason thought it was his job to scream whenever the other two babies screamed or cried. He also was shooting daggers at Garrett, when Garrett was in the ExerSaucer.

Mason now has 4 teeth, with two more emerging any day now.
I went out driving in Wayne's new Civic too. I really need to practice driving, my license is expired in Jan. Well, my learners permit that is. Today, I drove home from the family resource center on base, and I did excellent. I'm good at driving, just very nervous.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Just looking outside!

Friday, October 01, 2004

It's Cold Season

Mason has a cold! His poor nose is constantly running, and he's coughing a lot too. Nights are a little rough on all of us, he's waking up every 1.5-2 hrs. He's very congested, and loves to sleep on his tummy. But he can't because of the cold! We have to put saline drops up his nose, and Boy does he hate it!

Let us hope that he gets better soon

Monday, September 27, 2004

This is Mason when he was 5 days old.

This is Kate and Connor.

Another cousin for Mason

My brother and sister in law had their first baby on Saturday night! Connor David came into this world weighing 8lbs 11 oz. A big boy. My mother in law really wanted this baby to be a girl, but it wasn't meant to be. Now the boys can cause a ruckus at their grandparents house!
I saw a pic of Connor, and boy I think he resembles Mason quite a bit.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

An encounter in the Loblaws parking lot

We were walking to our car, when a lady stoppped and asked if she could talk to Mason. Of course, we said because we know that no one can resist that beautiful baby :) She went on and on about him, and than told us that we shouldn't bring him out at 7:30pm on a Friday night, because it is too stimulating for him. Somehow, it came up that we're new to Kingston, and she told us about a few places to go for groceries. She told us of a butcher that is good, but can we afford to go to a butcher? Wow, do we look like some kind of bums? She kept asking if we could afford things, if we have transportation, etc. Grant thinks that maybe she works for Social Services or for a charity. But still, it's pretty rude to come up to ppl in the parking lot, asking all sorts of personal questions.

We're moved! Finally.

We're almost all settled into our new place here in Kingston. Our furniture arrived on Wednesday, but we were expecting it on Monday and Tuesday at the latest.
We didn't know what the place looked liked until Monday, when we got the keys. It's huge! Our room is so empty. Mason has his own room now. We even have a spare room, if anyone wants to come and visit and stay over. The bathroom upstairs is really big too, but very disproportionate. The toilet, sink and bathtub are bunched together in one corner, with the other end of the bathroom wide open. It was also very white and sterile looking. So, we got some bright fish border, and slapped it up. Considering that it was our first time ever attempting to put border up, I think we did a good job!
And we have lots of closets and cupboards. Unlike St. Thomas, where we had to pile things upon things, we can put stuff away now.

The only thing that is bad here are the pests. Spiders are everywhere outside our house. Grant sprayed some Raid, and it should work for 2 weeks. I've also spotted earwigs in our house, about 5 of them. So, today we go and buy some ear wig traps too. And, I think that there is a wasp nest right near the roof, cause outside of Mason's room, there seems to be a large number of them flying around!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Mason and Buttons the dog are partying it up Posted by Hello

yummy, left over food on the bib. Tastes good. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Happy Birthday Mason

Wow, Mason is 6 months old today. Time sure has flown by. I can just remember when he was a newborn. He didn't say or do much. Now, we can't keep him quiet and we can't keep him still. Julie, enjoy this time now. In a little bit, Garrett will be flipping, rolling, crawling! But, it's a cute time too. It's awesome to see just how much babies learn in their first 6 months.

So, now I have only 6 more months until I have to work again! Well, that's ok.

Mason is in a party mode today. He just asked who's bringing the keg.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Check out the mohawk. Posted by Hello

Mom, don't show me naked Posted by Hello

Sitting pretty! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

No More Hair Cuts

I've decided to grow my hair long, after years and years of it being short. I know, I've tried this feat many times before, and have ended up getting it cut. But, I am serious about this now. I'm not even going to look for a good hairdresser in Kingston, that's how serious I am :)

When it rains, it pours.

We have yet another doc's appointment for Mason today. He has this really bad rash in his diaper area! It seems to be spreading. I think it may be a side effect from the antibiotics he is taking for his ear and throat infection. So we ceased giving it to him. Poor little monkey!

Monday, September 06, 2004

Summer of books

I've read a lot of books this summer! I've stepped outside my box, and have read different genres as well. I usually stick to murder mysteries, but this summer I've read Fantasy, true crime, stuff about physics, and much more! I enjoyed reading "In God's Footsteps", even tho I didn't really get all the physics mumbo jumbo. I really like the Harry Dresden novels too! I'm just waiting to get the fifth book of the series from Dave or Brock. Right now, I'm reading a book called "The Word" It's about a New Testament, written by James (Jesus' brother) An archaeologist (spelling?) found it buried in a statue in Italy. I'm only about 50 pages in, so I don't know much more. Grant's reading Life of Pi, and I can't wait to read that after him as well!

We got this great toy at a garage sale. Mason tries to bounce in it, but it doesn't have springs like the exersaucer does. So, we sit back and watch him get fustrated :) Posted by Hello

Is this a little peek into the future? Mason is just like Grant. Favourite pastime: lounging and being lazy Posted by Hello

A family photo! Us parents are having fun, but Mason doesn't seem to enjoy it too much. Posted by Hello

Friday, September 03, 2004

We're moving!

The movers are going to the storage unit in London on Sept 16th, to pack! Haha, they're going to have to unpack all our stuff and than pack it yet again. On the 17th, they'll load it in the truck, and we'll have our stuff in Kingston 2-6 days after that. Grant was told most likely we'll have the stuff on the 20th. I hope so! We better get reimbursed for our rent too. We have started to pay rent since Aug 25th, and not even living there!!!!
But ya, this is good news! We're excited!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Mason's feeling better!!! Posted by Hello

Mason likes to show off his butt! Look at the sly smile on his face. Posted by Hello

Moving update

Grant was told that his papers were being sent to Ottawa to be approved. Well, he went in everyday for 2 weeks, but didn't get an answer. Last week, they told him that the paperwork didn't get sent to Ottawa but were sitting on someone's desk in Borden for the 2 weeks.

Today, Grant called me. The ppl in Borden told Grant that they were sending Kingston his papers, and than they'll send them to Ottawa. Grant is originally posted to Kingston, and they have to look after his admin stuff. I got a phone number off Grant, and called the master corporal in Kingston to find out what's going on.

The master corporal told us that he can approve our move , and he'll also get us an application to get the movers to move our stuff. He said that it's been sitting around for too long now, and it'll be done quickly. He must be the 1000000000 person to tell us that and not do anything. But who knows, we might be living there when Mason turns 5.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

update on mason

Mason is finally getting better. We have had a rough week. He was sooooo sick on Thursday night, we had to bring him in again to the hospital at 230am. We ended up staying there until 7am. The doctor gave us antibiotics for him. He has an ear and throat infection. He's having a hard time drinking now, because it hurts his throat. He also has fever blisters on his upper lip, so he doesn't wanna suck on the bottle either. So we've resorted to giving him something to drink through an eyedropper.

He's sitting up by himself now really well! We just found out he can do this today. He was sitting on my lap, but was kinda supported by my legs. But hey, its a start.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Mason's sick for the first time

Poor Mason... He has a fever which may be part of a viral infection. He's had the fever since yesterday, and we've been giving him Tempra to help with it. He's been very cranky too, which is unusual for him, as well as tired. I brought him into the hospital today.. The doctor looked at his ears, saying that one ear canal looks "dusky". She says that because the tube isn't being drained all that well. If Mason can't be consoled during the night, come back in and we can get him some antibiotics..

We did weigh him.. he's up to 19lb 12oz...

Sunday, August 22, 2004

He doesn't look too happy here! Posted by Hello

Mason finally has hair! Posted by Hello

Mason aka Groucho Posted by Hello

Bancroft aka Most Talented Town in Ontario

Bancroft isn't the "Mineral Capital of Canada" anymore, it's "The Most Talented Town in Ontario" TVO's Studio 2 had a contest with all over Ontario's towns, and Bancroft won the contest.
So, this weekend, they had an arts festival. It wasn't too bad, a lot of hippy stuff tho :) We went to the park today, for the kid's festival. There wasn't a lot of stuff Mason could do, being as he is only 5 months.
But we did get a lot of funny photos of him.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

My Day

Today just isn't a good day.
First thing in the morning, before we were even out of bed, we got a call from the bank. We had applied for a consolidation loan, and were denied it. Because we don't own anything. But, we're not to worried about that, because we have other avenues to pursue.

We had to put down my mom's dog today. She smelled really really bad. She was bleeding when she went to the washroom. So, Grant and my sister brought her in to the vets, they said that she had an infection in her, her teeth were all black and were going to fall out , and that one of her eyes were gone. (Tulip was a puppy and her eye got pushed in by a little boy, so she didnt see out of it, and it closed over)

We were feeding Mason, he coughed and threw up all his food. He sneezed while my mother was holding him, and he puked through his nose. I held him, he did the same.

And to top it off, I stubbed my toe on the door, and spilled my coffee.
When will it all end????????????????????????????????/

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

This is a picture of our diningroom/living room.. showing the hardwood floor and the fireplace. It's blurry, we had to take the shot through the window Posted by Hello

This is our beautiful backyard!! Posted by Hello

This is our place in Kingston Posted by Hello