Friday, September 03, 2004

We're moving!

The movers are going to the storage unit in London on Sept 16th, to pack! Haha, they're going to have to unpack all our stuff and than pack it yet again. On the 17th, they'll load it in the truck, and we'll have our stuff in Kingston 2-6 days after that. Grant was told most likely we'll have the stuff on the 20th. I hope so! We better get reimbursed for our rent too. We have started to pay rent since Aug 25th, and not even living there!!!!
But ya, this is good news! We're excited!

1 comment:

Brock said...

All I can say is that it's about frickin' time. We're very glad that you've finally got a set date and I won't have to keep bugging my mom about what is going on!