Saturday, April 30, 2005

I'm such a doorknob

Yesterday I locked the keys in the car and had to get Grant to come and get me. I had the ignition key off the key ring and when I went into the store I just took the ignition key. The door key was sitting in the car.
Today, I did the same friggin thing. It was raining so I took Mason out through the front with me, and I left the keys in the cupholder. Grant couldn't get me because I was at Walmart at the other side of town. Luckily CAA came to my rescue.
Seriously, I'm going braindead.

The flies are taking over Kingston.

We have a serious problem with these little black flies in Kingston. There are swarms and swarms of them outside. We cant open our door for more than a second because tonnes will get in the house. The cars are covered with this bugs, and I wear my coat over my head cause the bugs'll get in my hair.
Where's pest control???

Grant's Bday

It was Grant's bday yesterday; he turned 25!A quarter of a century. I got him the DVD "House of Flying Daggers" and a wireless control for the playstation.
Some of his buddies came over and they had a couple of drinks and went to the bar. He got delivered back to the house pretty drunk. Needless to say, hes in bed right now and will most likely remain there for the weekend.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Good report

I had my first months probationary review last week from work. My boss said some really nice things about me :) I thought I wasn't doing all that good. When I input data into the system to clear drivers coming to the border, I have to hand it off to my co-worker and she'll go over the information to make sure I have it all correct before sending it to customs. It seems like every shipment that I've done she changes something. But I've now come to realize that she is very anal and likes things done her way. An example is if goods are shipped in bundles, and I pick BDL for bundle, she'll just change it to PCE which is piece.
They also think it's funny that I've got little sticky notes around my computer screen for reference. Well, there are tonnes of clients that we deal with, and having those notes up at eye level are just so helpful!


I should finish crafts that I start. I have so many crocheted and knitted things on the go. I'm almost finished the baby blanket that I'm making for my friend who is due in 2 weeks. I need to go to a wool store here in Kingston to ask them to help me do the border. I don't understand how to.
I'm also in the middle of making a scarf for my sister. It's a really cool scarf. Just a normal garter stitch but it has a wool called "Matrix" and another wool that has sparkles in it. I'll post a pic once I'm done.
I have so much wool that I don't know what to make with. I'm going to have to stop buying it, I'm getting a surplus of wool.

Where are the tow trucks??

I wish I had a cell phone today. I went out to Food Basics because they have an awesome sale on. It's their 10th anniversary so they're selling lots of things for a buck. A couple of items that grabbed Grant's attention was the fruit roll-ups, sodalicious and Michelenas. So I went and got some this morning. Well, I forgot to get cat food and had to go back out. The place was packed. Cars were parked in the lot where there were yellow lines baring you have parking. Ppl were parked right under the NO Parking zone. If I had a cell phone I sure would have called and got them towed. I hate ppl who park in places they're not supposed to. On K-rock the other day, one of the morning djs was complaining that he almost got a ticket for being in a parking spot and not paying for it. He said he was just waiting for his wife to come outta the store. He should have paid for the spot, he's taking up valuable space where someone else might want to park.

Baby Thrift Sale

There was a baby thrift sale at one of the drill halls on base today. I ventured out, vowing never to return. It was a mad house. Ppl were almost pushing to get to the baby items. We ended up not buy anything. Most of the clothes were girl clothes and the toys were great for younger babies. It'd be an excellent place to shop if you were pregnant for the first time or had a newborn.
I was looking for a jogger, but they didn't have one there. Our stroller isn't turning corners like it used to. I think maybe we have to take it in for an ole tune up.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Mason John Wayne Wager

Mason got some portraits done at Walmart. This one is our favourite out of the bunch.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Mason's dr visit

We had Mason's well baby check up and 12 month shots today. He cried when he got them :( Poor guy.
He's just over the 50% mark for weight for babies his age, over the 90% for height for babies his age and over 90% for his head circumference for babies his age. We always knew his head was huge!!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The weekend is going by too fast!!!

Wow, it's Sunday already. What a beautiful weekend we're having. We didn't do much yesterday. We went for a walk down around the water at Ft. Henry. We saw the old guard watch station and read that there used to be a hospital at the site too. Its a really nice area, with lots of walking trails. Mason was in his fancy push car, he was thoroughly enjoying himself.
Today is a day of gardening and yard work. It's scary out there. There's a huge patch of mud where the workers dug up the water lines in the fall. I hope military housing comes to put down sod soon.

Work is going by really fast as well. I can't believe I've been there for almost a month already. Everyone there is sooo nice. On wednesday, our babysitter decided not to wake up when I dropped Mason off so I had to drop of Grant first and than come back to bang and kick down her door. She finally answered her door, but by than I was going to be late for work. So I called in and explained my situation to my manager and she was totally cool about it. All she said was "Yah those things happen, just don't drive like a maniac to get here, you'll be here when you're here" That's pretty nice!!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Baby Einstein

Mason turned on the dvd player yesterday, pushed play and turned the tv to video. He also climbed up on the couch and got the remote.
Coincidence? I think not.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

What I'm reading.

I finished a book called "The Singing Fire" It was a really good book. The author is very descriptive. It was about 2 main characters who are both Jewish and come over to England to start a new life back in the late 1800's.
I was starting to read "The Full Cupboard of Life" but I just couldn't get into it.
On Val's advice, I'm reading "The Hounds of Baskerville" by Doyle.

French Test

It was a waste of time doing the french test. I was hoping that there'd be less than 100 ppl there so even if I failed I'd still go on because the top 100 scores do. Well, about 210 ppl wrote the test. And if you're successful in the french test, than you'll have to do an oral test with the public service commission.
The last 15 questions or so , I just guessed. I've never guessed so much on a test before.
As well, the weather was just horrible on the way there and back.
I was talking to the port manager at Lansdowne, and he said that once they're done hiring the bilinguals and getting them in place, than a unilingual competition will open.
The gov't is doing an over haul with customs, and if you get hired under the old system, you'll be sent for 13 weeks to customs college. They'll pay your salary and travel expenses. But if you get hired under the new system they only pay for an allowance and for you to get to Rigaud and back.
I wouldn't want to leave Mason and Grant for 13 weeks. So maybe this is for the best that I don't have a chance for a position just yet.
I am enjoying my new job, and it's great that I'm getting experience.

A waste of time.

The french test I did was a waste of time. I was thinking that if there were less than 100 ppl , than I'd go on. Well, about 210 ppl wrote the test. If you're successful than you have to do a oral exam with public commission service. So if by chance I guessed luckily at the answers and do go on, I'm screwed with the oral exam.
The writing part was ok, it was multiple choice. The reading part kind of got me. It was multiple choice as well, but some of the answers were very long and I didn't know a lot of the words. So the last 15 questions or so, I read through the question so quickly and just made a guess.
I talked to the port chief at Lansdowne and he said that they are hiring for 9 bilingual positions right now. After they're hired than they'll start a unilingual english competition.
They told us about the pay which is great. But they're changing over to a new system and if you get hired before the new system is implemented you'll be sent to Rigaud PQ for 13 weeks. It's a customs inspector college. They'll pay you your salary and pay for travel. But if you get hired after the new system is in, they'll only pay you an allowance while you're out there and travel to get there to the camp and back.
So, I think I better take some french classes. The administrators of the test said that if you ever wanted to get transfered to Ottawa to work at HQ , you definilty need to speak and read french.
And to top it off, the weather was CRAPPY. It was raining so hard all day. I was getting a bit nervous driving in Brockville because I'm not familiar with the city and I couldn't see too much because of the darn rain.

This is my favourite picture of our little man.

Mason has a crush on Dora.

Walking boy. Pedro looks pretty scary in the background.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Okay, my amended formula

Okay, I actually did some really bad math on my last formula. Like Brock pointed out, I forgot to add the sum from Single Jeopardy to the two Double Jeopardy Daily Double calculations. I also thought that there were only 5 categories for some reason. So, here's my new, fixed, and correct formula. It's a little less confusing than Brock's crazy bracket bombardment.


So, I have found that Brock's sum was correct, and the REAL max possible total for a perfect game of Jeopardy is $566,400.

Ken Jennings won $2,522,700, so,


So, it would take roughly 4 and a half perfect games to match, well, actually beat, Ken Jennings' winnings. Take that, Ken!

Oh, and a 5 time champ (the old cut off was 5 games) could win:


Eventually, I'll get around to figuring out the odds of that happening, but the placement of the Daily Doubles would make it astronomically unlikely (assuming that they're random). I'm guessing somewhere in the 5 billion to 1 range.

I just realized that I have way too much time on my hands!

News from Eastern Ontario.

Kingston isn't a really safe place anymore. A 23 year old guy got stabbed in the neck at one of the popular bars and died on the way to the hospital. They nabbed the killer. He's from Toronto and was in Kingston recording a hip-hop cd.
A week before that, a girl had to get 100 stitches or so because she was cut with a broken bottle in the women's bathroom at that same bar.
And, a little bit after the 23 year old dying, a man was stabbed on the corner of Montreal and Stephen by 2 guys. He's in critical condition at the hospital.
Oh, and this one idiot didn't like his cat so he beat it with a shovel. Needless to say, the cat died. I was tempted to go up to where he was from and beat him with a shovel.
In Bancroft, two ladies went though an embankment wall with their car into the York River. The current was strong and pulled the car down the river, right to my cousin's backyard. There's a dam there, and very deep waters. Three men jumped in to pull the ladies out of their car, and the two ladies are being treated for hyperthermia as well as two of their rescurers.
Crazy eh??????

French Test

I'm off at 11 today to go to Brockville for the french test.
There's even a winter storm warning in effect! I know I won't be in Brockville very long.
Wish me good luck everyone, I'm going to need it.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Jeopardy Winnings By Grant

Okay, I always wondered what the most you could possibly win on Jeopardy is. So I decided to do the math. Here it is:

Max Jeopardy winnings:


Therefore, the most you could win on Jeopardy if you answered all questions, got the Daily Double in Jeopardy on a $200 as the last question, bet it all and got it right, then got the two Daily Doubles from Double Jeopardy on $400s as the last two questions, bet it all both times and got them right, then bet it all on final Jeopardy and got it right, is $292,800.

That's a good half-hour's pay. And a long sentance!

Oh, and I also did it up in an algebraic formula if you want to see that too.