Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Too many regulations.

The regulations for crossing into the States are getting stricter each day. I know there was talk about having a passport to get into the States. And now, commerical shipments HAVE to be set up electronically before the truck gets to the border. They were issuing fines for not having them set up before the trucker gets there, something like 5 grand for the first infraction. They've since done away with that, but they're turning away drivers if they don't have their shipment in the system.
That makes it hard for small businesses that need to bring something down to the states. They have to declare it as commerical goods, and than they need to go through the trouble of getting a broker, getting barcodes to be able to put their shipment into customs computer shipments.
And Canada is going to be like this as well. Canada customs was supposed to implement this in spring of this year, but have postponed it until next fall. Thank goodness. What a mess this is going to be.

What I'm Reading

I've finished off The Hounds of Baskerville, as well as the Red Headed League.
I really do like Sherlock Holmes books. I'm still reading "Torment of Others"
After that, I'd like to read Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. There's also a book called Border Guards, and it's written by someone from Kingston area and the book is set in the Thousand islands.

Mason's passed out. This is on the way home from Connor's baptism. What were they giving him at the Church nursery?? Spiked holy water.

We tried giving Mason spaghetti and meatballs. He didn't really enjoy it.

Grant's got Mason hooked.

What's new with Mason

Mason's recently contracted a tummy bug :( He was throwing up and had very messy diapers. But he's doing well today.
We have to keep a close eye on him, he loves to climb up on things. We're afraid he's going to fall off something and bonk his head.
We also have to move the book shelf up into our room. He rocks the whole thing and tries to climb it and books are falling off.
Mason has all his molars in now, so in total he has 12 chompers.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Happy Day to us

It's our 2nd anniversary today. We went out for dinner at the Grizzly Grill, thanks to a 25$ gift certificate we recieved in the mail. Grant had a great steak! And I had great chicken.

Friday, May 13, 2005

What's new in the zoo

I haven't been updating the blog like I should. I don't really come online after I get home from work.
The dreaded bugs are gone, thank goodness. But we have a little problem with hornets in the house. So far we've killed three, we have to find out where they're coming from.
Grant went to Ottawa lastnight with the military. He saw the self-help houses that we'll be living in once we get posted there. We've been told horror stories about them, but Grant reports that they're not all that bad.
We've been BBQ'ing lots thanks to the Grant's wonderful parents. In fact, tonight we had a shin-dig with our friends. Steaks were to be had by everyone.
Mason's doing well. He's eating more adult food now, whooohooo. Oh yah, we do have a funny story about him. We were letting him walk naked around the upstairs while we were getting his bath ready and we hear a *tinkle tinkle* We looked over to see him peeing on his exersaucer with a great big smile.

Well, I'm sure there are more things to say but I'm getting kicked off the internet. Grant want's to play his with his new love, World of Warcraft. I'm getting jealous.