Friday, May 13, 2005

What's new in the zoo

I haven't been updating the blog like I should. I don't really come online after I get home from work.
The dreaded bugs are gone, thank goodness. But we have a little problem with hornets in the house. So far we've killed three, we have to find out where they're coming from.
Grant went to Ottawa lastnight with the military. He saw the self-help houses that we'll be living in once we get posted there. We've been told horror stories about them, but Grant reports that they're not all that bad.
We've been BBQ'ing lots thanks to the Grant's wonderful parents. In fact, tonight we had a shin-dig with our friends. Steaks were to be had by everyone.
Mason's doing well. He's eating more adult food now, whooohooo. Oh yah, we do have a funny story about him. We were letting him walk naked around the upstairs while we were getting his bath ready and we hear a *tinkle tinkle* We looked over to see him peeing on his exersaucer with a great big smile.

Well, I'm sure there are more things to say but I'm getting kicked off the internet. Grant want's to play his with his new love, World of Warcraft. I'm getting jealous.


Brock said...

I told him that WoW was addictive!

Do I even want to know what a self-help house is? It just sounds scary.

Garrett's peed on the floor a couple times when we've got him into the bathroom for a bath. He likes to stand next to the tub and watch the water fill up, but sometimes the waterworks aren't limited to the plumbing on the tub, if you catch my drift.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, you two! Keep the love strong!

Anonymous said...

When would you be moving to Ottawa?

Suzie said...

No idea.. Grant hasn't had his security interview yet.