Saturday, April 02, 2005

News from Eastern Ontario.

Kingston isn't a really safe place anymore. A 23 year old guy got stabbed in the neck at one of the popular bars and died on the way to the hospital. They nabbed the killer. He's from Toronto and was in Kingston recording a hip-hop cd.
A week before that, a girl had to get 100 stitches or so because she was cut with a broken bottle in the women's bathroom at that same bar.
And, a little bit after the 23 year old dying, a man was stabbed on the corner of Montreal and Stephen by 2 guys. He's in critical condition at the hospital.
Oh, and this one idiot didn't like his cat so he beat it with a shovel. Needless to say, the cat died. I was tempted to go up to where he was from and beat him with a shovel.
In Bancroft, two ladies went though an embankment wall with their car into the York River. The current was strong and pulled the car down the river, right to my cousin's backyard. There's a dam there, and very deep waters. Three men jumped in to pull the ladies out of their car, and the two ladies are being treated for hyperthermia as well as two of their rescurers.
Crazy eh??????


Anonymous said...

During my first few months here, there was an escape from Kingston Penn. It was the first escape in over 40 years but since I was new here I thought it happened all the time.

Brock said...

Sounds more like people need to stay away from that bar and your cousin's backyard.

Anonymous said...

Well, the problem with "that bar" is that there are about 5 bars that and everyone bar hops between them. It was in "the hub". Luckily it was at the teeny bopper bar so I shouldn't have a problem the next time I go out.