Saturday, April 23, 2005

Good report

I had my first months probationary review last week from work. My boss said some really nice things about me :) I thought I wasn't doing all that good. When I input data into the system to clear drivers coming to the border, I have to hand it off to my co-worker and she'll go over the information to make sure I have it all correct before sending it to customs. It seems like every shipment that I've done she changes something. But I've now come to realize that she is very anal and likes things done her way. An example is if goods are shipped in bundles, and I pick BDL for bundle, she'll just change it to PCE which is piece.
They also think it's funny that I've got little sticky notes around my computer screen for reference. Well, there are tonnes of clients that we deal with, and having those notes up at eye level are just so helpful!


Brock said...

Just make sure you don't miss an appointment with your probation officer or you'll go back to jail...

Isn't that why you had a probationary report? :)

Anonymous said...

... and she does live in Kingston now.... 9 penns close by...