Sunday, April 03, 2005

French Test

It was a waste of time doing the french test. I was hoping that there'd be less than 100 ppl there so even if I failed I'd still go on because the top 100 scores do. Well, about 210 ppl wrote the test. And if you're successful in the french test, than you'll have to do an oral test with the public service commission.
The last 15 questions or so , I just guessed. I've never guessed so much on a test before.
As well, the weather was just horrible on the way there and back.
I was talking to the port manager at Lansdowne, and he said that once they're done hiring the bilinguals and getting them in place, than a unilingual competition will open.
The gov't is doing an over haul with customs, and if you get hired under the old system, you'll be sent for 13 weeks to customs college. They'll pay your salary and travel expenses. But if you get hired under the new system they only pay for an allowance and for you to get to Rigaud and back.
I wouldn't want to leave Mason and Grant for 13 weeks. So maybe this is for the best that I don't have a chance for a position just yet.
I am enjoying my new job, and it's great that I'm getting experience.

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