Monday, September 06, 2004

Summer of books

I've read a lot of books this summer! I've stepped outside my box, and have read different genres as well. I usually stick to murder mysteries, but this summer I've read Fantasy, true crime, stuff about physics, and much more! I enjoyed reading "In God's Footsteps", even tho I didn't really get all the physics mumbo jumbo. I really like the Harry Dresden novels too! I'm just waiting to get the fifth book of the series from Dave or Brock. Right now, I'm reading a book called "The Word" It's about a New Testament, written by James (Jesus' brother) An archaeologist (spelling?) found it buried in a statue in Italy. I'm only about 50 pages in, so I don't know much more. Grant's reading Life of Pi, and I can't wait to read that after him as well!


Suzie said...

Who writes the Time Travellers Wife?

Brock said...

I've got book 5 & 6 of the Dresden books. I'll lend them to you next time I see ya.

Footsteps of God wasn't bad. I absolutely loved Life of Pi.

I've been reading a bunch of non-fiction stuff lately. Mostly about mountaineering for some reason. I've got Into Thin Air, which is about the 1996 Everest tragedy and I also have one called High, which is a lot of different accidents on Everest and K2. Not sure why I'm on this mountain kick... Sigh.