Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Some People!

I was at the grocery store, buying Mason some jar food. I got a little more than I really needed, but I just wanted to stock up on it. Anyways, at check-out, the lady behind me gave me her opinion. "Ya know, it's cheaper to make that yourself" So I replied. And than she asked me how old Mason was and I told her. She gave me the meanest look and said.."Can he even sit up by himself" So I told her that I follow my instincts, he's doing well with his sweet potatoes, he's digesting it great and all. She just shook her head. I was so mad at her. This lady was a very overweight lady, wearing something way to small for her. I could have said.. " You know, being very obese likeyourelf, it isn't good for your health" Or I could have said.."You're burning my retinas, with what you're wearing"
Some ppl, they just don't know how to keep their mouths shut!


Suzie said...

Military pays ok.. but I also get maternity and it pays ok..
Yah I know that it's cheaper to do it yourself and I will do it.. I just gotta get the motivationt to do it..
We are saving money right now, with me living at home, so we have extra money. But as soon as we move to Kingston and have to start to pay rent, I'll save money by making the food myself.

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