Monday, January 17, 2005

Crazy Walmart

Yesterday we went to Walmart. They're moving to a bigger place on the other side of town, so there were some sales. Well, we went down the toy isle and ran into a wall of people. People were going crazy down there. There were lots of sales, but you couldn't tell what was on sale because the tags didn't have a description. We overheard someone say "if people get in your way, just ram them with your cart" Grant was getting mad very quickly there. He kept saying something like" i love coming to walmart when sales are one. You can see how our society loses all social morales" or something to that effect.
I'll go tomorrow and see the sales, without Grant.


Brock said...

Ah, so the Wager hatred of large groups of people isn't just mine.

I hate going to malls when there are lots of people there. It drives me nuts.

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