Eve is 2 weeks old today. We're doing well. She went to her docs appt yesterday and she is now 8lbs. Her hair is getting a bit lighter, with a red tinge to it.
She is more alert now, not sleeping all the time. I am apprehensive to hold her a lot because if I put my finger on her face she'll root and want to eat :)
Breastfeeding is a bit easier now; doesn't hurt as much. But she does eat ALL the time. I'm sure it'll get better. I've gotten a television in our room now so I can watch tv for the hour I'm feeding her in the middle of the night instead of just sitting in bed trying to stay awake. I shouldn't complain though, she's a great sleeper.
Mason is doing good too. He has been sick for a couple of days with a fever and coughs. Yesterday was pretty bad. All he could do was lay around and say "BOO BOO" Mason's going through his terrible two's now. All he ever says is "MINE" and he just won't listen to me. Whenever we give him any sort of food he will just crush it. I think maybe he is a bit jealous cause I can't spend as much time with him as I used too.