Saturday, March 31, 2007

2 weeks at lee valley

Wow, i've been there for two weeks already. I've been busy since day 1, so the time has gone fast.

I did notice a trend at work though. If anyone watches Seinfeld, they'll know what i'm talking about. We have cake for just about any occasion. LOL. On my first day, someone made pumpkin squares. On Wednesday, a girl i work with had her bday and they made a cake. Yesterday was another ladies last day and we had cake for her. Gosh, I'm gonna gain weight.

I am really enjoying working there. It's definilty different than what I'm used to. At my previous jobs, I was used to answering the phones every 5 mins. Now I maybe get 1 call a day, and it 's usually just from someone else in the company that I need to get some info from.

I havent bought anything yet from there..but gardening season is coming up and I want to garden!!!


Brock said...

I need you to pick me up a gross of those RimRoller gizmos Lee Valley sells. I'm planning on standing in front of the local Tim's and selling them for $5 each :)

Jennifer said...

Hee hee... I saw that there was a comment and I thought it would have to do with the RimRoller... funny! And for some reason, I thought it might be Brock asking about them...

Suzie said...

if anyone wants a rimroller, lemme know.