Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Still doing it

I am still nursing Eve! I thought I'd let it go when she turned 1 but I haven't. I had such a hard time first doing it, that I dont' want to give it up. I know I don't need to do it, but I think it's going to be time soon. I nurse her when I get home from work and during the night. Yes, she still wakes up at night to nurse. She is only doing this for comfort. I've got to find a way to make her sleep during the night. Maybe once I finish nursing, she won't get up at night because she know's she wont have it.

Well, I am proud of myself for doing it for a whole year and a bit!


Brock said...

Be careful... you don't want to turn into Anne :)

Anonymous said...

good job. I think I nursed Garrett for 16 months (the last 10 months were only morning and evening). If you're still enjoying it then keep it up.


duhgee said...

I agree with Brock. Happy you're happy, but it's a fine line. :)

Anonymous said...

Boo to the men. You totally don't understand.
Good work Suzie.


Unknown said...

praise good for boobs.