Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Imaginations of the child

Mason has such a great imagination. I love to sit back and watch him play. The other day we were playing outside and he was pretending that the bushes and trees were monsters. The monsters were sad because they lost their mittens (leaves were mittens) Mason gathered some leaves up and put them on branches and they were happy again.
And Grant got him going on magic beans. Mason was picking up little pieces of the carpet on the stairs and Grant asked what he had. Mason hesitated before answering so Grant offered "magic beans" and Mason thought that was a good name so he used it. Now every piece of fluff is magic beans. He'll bring some down in the morning that he picks off his blanket and he'll hold them or put them someplace safe. If he can't find them or if he dops them..he says "MA BEANS" It's hilarious. I went to try to find mighty beanz but couldn't find any so I bought a mini bowling set and gave him a pin. I thought maybe he would use that as a bean but he went back to the fuzz.

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