Friday, October 06, 2006

Might be heading out tonight

To go see the Trailer Park Boys movie. I'm excited! I read an article in Mcleans about the movie. The producers didn't wan't nudity in it, they have shied away from that in the tv shows. The warning that comes up before the show states nudity but it is referring to Randy's bare belly.
Anyways, the director of the movie who is an expatriate Canadian and now a big Hollywood director said they needed to "hollywoodize" the movie so there is going to be some nudity in it. I think it may be in the form of Lucy showing her chest off. This is too bad.
The movie isn't going to link at all with the series.
Hopefully the Trailer Park Boys will catch on down in the States. They do have a lot of Trailer Parks :)
I wonder if there will be a line up for the opening of the movie...hhmmmmmmmmmmm?

1 comment:

Brock said...

Let us know how it is.

Yikes. My bloglines just updated your RSS feed and it looked like you had 25 new posts... but you didn't. Phew!