Sunday, February 13, 2005

First week of work

It went pretty well! I'm in training for two weeks, so we haven't taken any calls yet and we've had 2 tests already. They're pretty easy tho; I've gotten 99% and 101%. The ppl I'm training with are all really nice too. I think that I might have a personality clash with one lady. She has a really strong personality, and shes a know it all. She's great in the lunch room, but when we're in class she just won't shut up!
So I now know what I'm going to be doing. I'm going to be taking calls from HBC, Futureshop, bestbuy, um Zellers credit card customers. There are a few more stores but I forget them. Anyways, we deal with insurance that's on your credit card. Customers are usually calling in to cancel the insurance and we cancel it but we have to try to retain them too. It is a pretty good thing to have on your card, depending on which card you have. It can get expensive when you carry a high balance as well, but for the most part it's good. My company will pay off your balance , to the policy max or the outstanding balance (whichever one comes first) if you die, or if you get dismembered. One really good coverage is with the Zellers card. If whatever you buy on the card gets stolen, or damaged than we'll pay for you to replace or repair it. And we'll pay for whatever you've bought on the card within a three year period.

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